GTS2011 – Las Vegas: LinkedIn Encore

I’m back!

The 3 day Global Technology Summit in Las Vegas, hosted by GlobalDMS has come to an end. It’s time to get back to business as usual, except now I have new connections across the country in technology, mortgage lending and appraisals.  

Social Media is Technology with Global Reach.

As a social media specialist my main objective was to educate professionals on the power of LinkedIn. Understanding it’s not enough to have an account, but actually use an account to build and grow a business. I was able to provide 7 tips or ”need to knows” for current and new LinkedIn users.

Although the session was only 45 minutes we covered a lot. I can talk fast but I don’t expect everyone to follow at my pace. Which is why I am offering an encore presentation of my GTS2011 presentation. Only 100 spots available. First come, first serve.

GTS2011- Las Vegas

A special thanks to Matt D’Avella of Black Box Productions for shooting and editing the LinkedIn Vegas Video Invite! Awesome work, for more visit: