NBC10’s “Get a Job” Features Kane Partners

For the FULL ARTICLE and feature visit Below are the tips Kristin Kane, Director of Social Media & Recruting of Kane Partners provided for job seekers. Add a Targeted Profile/Summary in 3rd Person Starting your resume with a 3-5 sentence paragraph that highlights and summarizes your experience is a great way to pull in

NBC10 “Rev Up Your Resume” with Tracy Davidson

November 12, 2009 – Bala Cynwyd, PA Tracy Davidson of NBC10 hosts “Survive and Thrive” every Wednesday from 5:30-6:00pm. Tracy’s focus is on the consumer providing tips, hints, warnings and deals in the Philadelphia Region. Tracy has been focusing on the pressing issue of ‘careers’ and helping job seekers. Kristin Kane of Kane Partners has

GTS2011 – Las Vegas: LinkedIn Encore

I’m back! The 3 day Global Technology Summit in Las Vegas, hosted by GlobalDMS has come to an end. It’s time to get back to business as usual, except now I have new connections across the country in technology, mortgage lending and appraisals.   Social Media is Technology with Global Reach. As a social media specialist my main objective was to

Art of Networking for a Job

Yes, Networking! Finding a job in today’s job market requires a jobseeker to be well networked. We each have our own idea of what networking is and should be. Join us as we uncover strategies and practical tips to network and build relationships to help you find your next job or interview.  Join us as we share Networking Strategies for today’s