Book Review: Off the Clock by Laura Vanderkam

Some call it coincidence, others fate and some simply say “it was meant to be.” I like to think it was an answer to a prayer!

People have been telling me for the last 10+ years – “Wow, you are everywhere!” or my favorite, “You are so busy, how do you fit it all in?”  It never bothered me until I was seven months pregnant with baby #2 on the way. One day I stopped an thought, how am I going to keep this up?!  I was working full time in a growing business, speaking and teaching all with a very active 3-year-old and a very understanding (most of the time) husband. To say I was a ‘little overwhelmed’ on how I was going to manage it all was an understatement to say the least!

That’s when it happened.

The book “I Know How She Does It” by Laura Vanderkam (audiobook and hardcopy) changed my life and perception of time. That was the beginning of what has been an incredible journey to the appreciation of my own time, others time and how to ‘find’ more time to do the things I loved (work and non-work related).

Over the last two years I have become a huge Vanderkam fan, collecting and rereading her books, often singing her praises on how she has changed life by helping me change my perspective on time.  Yes, we all have 24 hours, but I was now thinking of my time in weeks not hours. Miraculously my stuff started to get done and my efficiency exponentially better. I wasn’t finding time, I was making the most of my time.  The journey hasn’t always been easy, or so black and white- creating habits and changing mindsets is a process. And it is still a challenge. But I am determined, and I have my reminders on my office bookshelf of Laura’s words (books) on time perception.

In 2016, I was a Round Table speaker at the Pennsylvania Women’s Conference in Philadelphia. That year Laura was a Break Out Speaker. I was fortunate to meet her a few minutes before her session. She blew me away in 30 minutes what she packed in for content. I knew then I needed to share her message with my network. The following summer July 2017, at the Mindfulness & Marketing Women’s Conference hosted by our company Kane Partners we had Laura Vanderkam as a speaker! It was a surreal moment watching a room of 75 women hear Laura’s message, the same one that changed my life.

This past year, 2018, I have been wanting more (time to be with my family and work on a few collaborative projects) which meant I needed to be even more productive. I just finished listening to Tim Ferriss’ 4 Hour Work Week for the third time on Audible and found myself going back to Laura’s book, again!

Fast forward 2 weeks ago. A package arrives at the office with an advanced reader copy of Laura’s latest book, “Off The Clock: Feel Less Busy While Getting More Done.” How did she know I was ready for the next step on my journey? She didn’t, that is just coincidence I suppose!

I wanted this FREEDOM she was talking about in the book and she delivers with the tools I need in black and white throughout the book!

So, what did I think? First off, I loved the size of the book – it fit perfectly in my bag and I was able to read on the go. I have stickies throughout highlighting my favorite nuggets and ah-ha moments she shares throughout the book.  Are you looking to take control of your time? Increase productivity? And stop this perceived busyness?  Then you will want to grab Laura’s book, hitting stores May 29, 2018! I loved the book so much I have purchased the audiobook, so I can listen to it while on my 45-minute morning drop offs.

Here are just a few nuggets I took away:

I have been more strategic with my choices of how I spend my time. I am mindful to where I am agreeing to spend my time. After all we all have the same 24 hours, right? For the last week I have consciously said Yes, No or Later- all guilt free. I had a full Saturday of ‘freedom’ while still doing items on the check list that have been there for months. It was incredible! How did Laura Jedi-mind trick me? I don’t know but I am grateful to have this renewed perception of time backed by her study and analysis of time logs and other peoples journey.

Now when someone will tell me “wow you are so busy” – I will simply smile and say actually “I am very productive and will be enjoying a trip of mini golf and get ice cream with my boys.”

Note to readers, check out page 50 it is my favorite I am even made it a quote image: “Mindfulness gives you time. Time gives you choices. Choices lead to freedom…”

If you read one book this summer on time management, mindfulness or productivity, make it this one. Your concept of time and cherishing moments in life will be changed – for the better!

L to R: Ladies from Designing 4 Hope with founder, Lori McHale 3rd from Left. Tracy Davidson of NBCPhiladelphia, Melinda Emerson the SmallBizLady, Laura Vanderkam author and Kristin Kane Ford Director at Kane Partners and conference Host.

I recruited Laura to speak at the Women’s Mindfulness & Marketing Conference at Bear Creak Mountain in July 2017.  Fun fact: Laura finished the manuscript while at Bear Creek for our conference!


NBC10’s “Get a Job” Features Kane Partners

For the FULL ARTICLE and feature visit

Below are the tips Kristin Kane, Director of Social Media & Recruting of Kane Partners provided for job seekers.

Add a Targeted Profile/Summary in 3rd Person
Starting your resume with a 3-5 sentence paragraph that highlights and summarizes your experience is a great way to pull in the reader. Use 3rd person and keep the information fact based, not just listing you are a ‘dedicated hard worker.’

Use Relevant Keywords and Action Verbs (Bullet Format)
Each job description calls for certain skills and the ability to hold/perform certain job responsibilities and duties. Using keywords with action verbs in your resume is often the best way to show that you have the experience they need. Bullets should start with the action verb followed by the explanation. Do not use “I” or list “responsible for” at each bullet, just start with the verb.

Define Key Accomplishments by Quantifying or Qualifying
Listing your keywords is not enough; you have to provide substance. What that means is you cannot expect results by putting your job description. Instead, add what impact you had on the company while doing your job. Some possible examples are: on-time projects, cost savings, improving process or team building. Another option would be giving numbers, like the size of your budget or the type of team you managed. By providing these details the company can see that you are a contributing employee and someone that can add value to their team.

Customize Each Resume to Align with Each Job
When applying to a job it is important your resume sells them on the fact you can do the job! It is almost impossible to have only one resume to be effective for all open positions. With that in mind, BEFORE you apply, look for what they want and compare that to your resume. Are they aligning? If not, (and you do have the experience) make sure it is clear that you CAN do the job. You have one shot to make an impression, sending a canned resume will not make an impression!

SUGGESTION: Print your Resume and Job Description

Distinguish the must have and preferred to haves on the description by highlighting in 2 different colors. Do the same with your resume. Compare both documents side by side.  What is missing on your resume that you have and they are asking for in the description. EDIT your resume as needed, THEN send your resume to the company. *Only put what you have experience in, no fibbing!


NBC10 “Rev Up Your Resume” with Tracy Davidson

November 12, 2009 – Bala Cynwyd, PA

Tracy Davidson of NBC10 hosts “Survive and Thrive” every Wednesday from 5:30-6:00pm. Tracy’s focus is on the consumer providing tips, hints, warnings and deals in the Philadelphia Region. Tracy has been focusing on the pressing issue of ‘careers’ and helping job seekers.

Kristin Kane of Kane Partners has been a special guest on the segment answering job seekers’ questions from: interviews, resumes, cover letters etc. Kristin’s contributions have been as a guest blogger on Tracy Davidson’s website (, answering questions LIVE in-studio via Facebook and remotely from Kane Partners HQ in Lansdale, PA.

In collaborating with Tracy and the NBC10 team, “Rev Up Your Resume” was created. Kristin Kane of Kane Partners Staffing Solutions gave a short presentation on how to tailor your resume to meet today’s market. This was an exclusive event for NBC10 viewers to not only hear a new perspective on constructing your resume to get a response, but to also seek help with a true professional, at no cost. “Working with Tracy Davidson has been amazing. She truly is looking out for her viewers in anyway she can.” said Kristin of Kane Partners. When Tracy heard the October event sold out she was the first to say, let’s do it again for the viewers. I am proud to support Tracy and the NBC10 team as they are helping our community “Survive and Thrive”.

The “Rev Up Your Resume” vision was not only to give jobseekers information but allow them to apply it on their personal resume and situation. The best way to do this successfully is in a one on one situation. Kristin recruited local Career Experts/Resume Writers to join her in answering questions one on one with jobseekers to ensure they had a top notch resume to meet today’s needs.

The success of the first event, October 8th, called for an encore presentation which was held November 12th. This event was fortunate to have 13 resume experts on hand to answer questions at a sold out event! The photo is shown of our experts from November 12th: Hanson Consulting, Dubin Group, Charesume, Career Concepts, McCloskey Partners, Debbie Harris, Carolyn Cott Resumes, Kristin Kane – Kane Partners, Tracy Davidson, JoyMark, and WorkingMatters.

Keep a sharp eye on NBC10 and Kane Partners Staffing Solutions “Career” events in 2010!

Kane Partners Staffing Solutions is proud to volunteer and help our local community seeking employment opportunities via events and community service projects. Track Kane Partners Jobs with Twitter at

GTS2011 – Las Vegas: LinkedIn Encore

I’m back!

The 3 day Global Technology Summit in Las Vegas, hosted by GlobalDMS has come to an end. It’s time to get back to business as usual, except now I have new connections across the country in technology, mortgage lending and appraisals.  

Social Media is Technology with Global Reach.

As a social media specialist my main objective was to educate professionals on the power of LinkedIn. Understanding it’s not enough to have an account, but actually use an account to build and grow a business. I was able to provide 7 tips or ”need to knows” for current and new LinkedIn users.

Although the session was only 45 minutes we covered a lot. I can talk fast but I don’t expect everyone to follow at my pace. Which is why I am offering an encore presentation of my GTS2011 presentation. Only 100 spots available. First come, first serve.

GTS2011- Las Vegas

A special thanks to Matt D’Avella of Black Box Productions for shooting and editing the LinkedIn Vegas Video Invite! Awesome work, for more visit:

Art of Networking for a Job

Yes, Networking! Finding a job in today’s job market requires a jobseeker to be well networked. We each have our own idea of what networking is and should be. Join us as we uncover strategies and practical tips to network and build relationships to help you find your next job or interview.  Join us as we share Networking Strategies for today’s job market.

Networking Strategies Include:

  • Business Cards – Design & Function
  • Networking Expectations
  • Best Places to Network
  • Etiquette for Networking
  • Building the Relationship
  • Introduction to Online Networking